Shark Bay Salt is committed to the safety of the operation and its employees, and to the protection of the environment by complying with relevant rules and regulations.

A pelican in Shark Bay.


Shark Bay Salt respects the marine and terrestrial environment and ensures that site environmental management systems are implemented, audited and reviewed each year.

We strive towards sustainability and longevity in our operations, and are continually seeking to improve our environmental performance by setting targets based on risk assessment guidelines. We know that adherence to these commitments will ensure the safe continuance of the operation and professionalism of the Company.

EPBC 2020-8717 Dredging Permit 2023-2024 Compliance Report

EPBC 2020-8717 Dredging Permit 2022-2023 Compliance Report

EPBC 2020-8717 Dredging Permit 2021-2022 Compliance Report

EPBC 2020-8717 Dredging Permit - Environmental Management Plan